Sistemas Integrados Electroneumáticos

SIE fue creado para servir y apoyar a la industria de fabricacion de arneses de cableado automotriz, aeroespacial y linea blanca. Tenemos mas de 30 años de experiencia diseñando y fabricando equipos de ensamble y pruebas electricas. Nuestra empresa acompaña al desarrollo continuo y acelerado de la tecnologia capacitando al personal e incorporando personal calificado y expandiendo nuestras plantas en forma continua de nuestras instalaciones de produccion, que se reflejan visiblemente en la calidad de nuestros productos y la pronta respuesta a las necesidades de nuestros clientes.

SIE Group – Global Foot Print

Global SIE Group Resources

Our company has branches in different parts of the world, with the aim of being closer to our customers. , thus providing better technical support and a standardization of our products globally.

Our facilities around the world:

  • Spain
  • México
  • Romania
  • Morocco
  • Brazil
  • Serbia
  • Tunisia
  • South africa

Global Standardization Design Capacity

All our designers globally, are constantly trained in the use of the most used design tools sush as:


Global designers

Global Standardization production process

Each of the production post, is designed to perform a wide variety of activities regardless of most of them are standard and allows to us to reproduce the same work globally.


Production personnel

Global Standardization in Machining Systems

In all our factories, our machining systems are standardized, as well as the tools with which they have. Globally we have the same supplier of machined center witch is a provider of United States.


CNC Machining Centers

Some of our end customers